The Foundation:

Children are the architect of the future. When they are exposed to diverse learning experiences and given a conducive empowering environment, they discover their true potential and actualize it to BE better persons, good citizens and help build a better Global community. This was the dream of Shri Jaywant Anna Bhujbal to provide quality education to students in the region of Shirur Taluka.
Inspired by the vision of the Patron of the School- Shri Jaywant Anna Bhujbal, Shri Anil Seth Bhujbal- his son and Shri Pandurang Anna Raut- the Chairman of Srinath Maksoba Karkhana along with Shri Vikas Raskar and Shri Madhav Raut established the Jaywant Education Foundation and under its aegis, Jaywant Public School, Sanaswadi, Pune was started in the year 2012

The Present & The Future:

Jaywant Public School- an abode of Learning, an unaided coeducational English Medium institution is situated in a picturesque scenic landscape of Sanaswadi at the outskirts of the Cultural- Educational City- Pune.
The School aims to provide holistic quality education, offering CBSE pattern. The JPS initiatives and energies are focused on fostering a schooling ecosystem that encompasses the philosophy of “Let Learning be Joyful, Progressive & Service-Oriented and Teaching a Pleasure.”
Creating a conducive environment to transform children into the best versions of themselves is our unwavering commitment. For this, we employ the balanced schooling philosophy and use innovative teaching methods to enable every child to discover his or her true self.

JPS is built on the fundamental values of great quality teaching which shapes the right characteristics in a child. Our highly motivated teachers follow a personalized approach to help realize each child’s goals and true potential and work hard to create the best schooling experience possible. Our teachers teach because they enjoy teaching, having taken it up as a career of choice. Our teacher training complements this love for teaching and enhances the delivery of our well researched & curated curriculum.

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